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How to Fix the Error establishing a Redis connection – only on plugin updates

How to Fix the Error establishing a Redis connection – only on plugin updates

Learn how to resolve the ‘Error establishing a Redis connection – only on plugin updates’ issue in WordPress with our troubleshooting guide.

Redis is a popular tool used to store data in web applications, particularly for caching purposes.

However, sometimes, you may encounter an error message like “Error establishing a Redis connection – only on plugin updates” in WordPress. This error can be frustrating, but don’t worry; we’ll guide you through troubleshooting and fixing it.

Common Causes of the “Error establishing a Redis connection – only on plugin updates” Issue.

Before we delve into solutions, let’s understand what might be causing this error:

  1. Redis Server Issues: If the Redis server is down or not functioning correctly, it can lead to this error.
  2. Misconfigured Redis: Incorrect configurations, such as the host, port, or password, in your WordPress site’s wp-config.php file can be a culprit.
  3. Application Configuration: Problems within your application’s configuration can also trigger this error.

Now, let’s explore how to resolve this issue step by step.

How to Fix the “Error establishing a Redis connection – only on plugin updates” Issue in WordPress

Here is How to Fix the “Error establishing a Redis connection – only on plugin updates” Issue in WordPress:

1. Checking Redis Configuration

2. Restart Your WordPress Site

3. Deleting Redis Cache File

4. Contacting the Plugin Developer

If the error persists despite trying the above steps, reach out to the developer of the plugin you’re using.

The plugin developer can offer specific guidance and support related to Redis integration within the plugin.

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some extra tips to help you troubleshoot this error further:


The “Error establishing a Redis connection – only on plugin updates” issue can be resolved by meticulously checking Redis configurations, restarting your WordPress site, deleting Redis cache files, and seeking guidance from plugin developers. By following these troubleshooting steps and considering the additional tips, you can successfully tackle this error and ensure smooth plugin updates.

Remember, when facing the “Error establishing a Redis connection” or similar issues, identifying the root cause is essential for optimal performance and functionality of your web application.

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