Although it may be alluring to try and save money by using one of the many free email options accessible, it is preferable to spend some money on a business-related email address. You must maintain a professional image to sustain your clients’ trust and project credibility online.

However, what if we told you that you could have that professional look to thrive with your business and not spend a dollar while doing that? Instead of using a standard Google, Outlook, or Yahoo account, a business email address uses your organization’s name.

Main reasons you need a work email address

Below we bring you several reasons why you require a business-related email address. A personalized corporate email address presents a more official image. Additionally, it is brief and straightforward to recall. Customers are more likely to trust your company as accurate if you use a professional business email address. You may advertise your brand with each email you send by using your domain name while sending emails.

So, if you can create a business email address for free, it is a no-brainer to use this possibility. If you consider that there is no way of having a business email account without an email domain, email service hosting is a great way to kill two birds with one stone.

How to build a business email address for free

Women with laptops

If you want to create a business email address, you already have a website hosted somewhere. Most hosting providers offer a free business email service as a part of the package, mainly if you use WordPress for your website.

Hosting providers such as Bluehost offer a free business email address for free included in their hosting plans. At the cheapest, hosting costs approximately $2.75 per month. On top of this, setting up a business email address can be very easy and intuitive. The email address will use your domain name as the second (domain) part of your email address.

No matter the hosting provider, setting up an email address is relatively similar. After opening the hosting account dashboard, go to the Email tab. In this tab, you can create a new email address and choose the username for the email account. After that, you will have to enter a password for your email.

When accessing your inbox for the newly created email address, you may need to access it through the hosting dashboard by opening the webmail server. In other cases, you can configure your email address through apps like Gmail and Outlook.


Online email address sharing isn’t always a good idea. It is advised that you place a contact form on your website in its place. You may easily forward the notification emails to your new email address, ensuring that no one can copy your new address and spam you while you continue to receive messages. Also, remember that if you change your hosting provider, you can take your email address with you.

Other than the mentioned method of getting a business email address through the hosting provider, there are also options for getting dedicated mail services. However, this option is often more costly than the option above. This includes obtaining a domain name separately and paying for the mail server (along with the mail quota tariffs).

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