There are plenty of questions you are probably asking yourself almost every day. One of them is related to facing everyday customer service or coding challenges, and according to that, what is the best way to find the solution? Once you’ve identified the most common answer, you’re unsure how to choose between different options? Where do you go next once you’ve discovered the most effective solution? Indeed, many questions and still essential to find the best possible for your tech company. We prepared for you an article about strategies which could save the day.

We all hear how sales and marketing are vital parts of the growth of any tech business, and it’s not new. However, let’s be honest. Budget is necessary, and many companies cannot do what the most significant players do. For example, Salesforce and Tableau invested a staggering 53 percent of their earnings in marketing and sales in 2014, whereas Constant Contact spent 38% and Manhattan Associates 12%.

However, before you get up and put your hands up in dismay, there are strategies for tech firms on the budget that will keep you in the game and even profitable. Everyday and more recent spending to market for technology companies is around 15 percent of the budget for the year, as per CMO Survey. 

Use blogs to boost sales and make your marketing remarkable!

Woman with laptopBlogs are an excellent opportunity to draw people to your website and brand. They can be customized to any stage of your customer’s buying journey. In the beginning, you’ll want your blog to be user-focused, engaging, and educational. After that, they will assist readers in understanding precisely how your product solves the issue more effectively than other products. Also, they could include new features that you’ve introduced or the things they should consider when evaluating your product.

Blogs are focused on education and not on selling. Your blog posts position you to be an authority in what the visitors are searching for. Let them know that you know their needs, what you can do to help, and what potential downsides or obstacles could be possible. This way, you are building confidence in them, and it is a part of the relationship you are creating.

Public relations and how to get your name there?

Another strategy to market tech firms is public relations. The “ROI is extremely valuable,” especially if you opt for a hybrid approach and “meld PR with SEO, paid media, or social and other media,” according to an article published on Entrepreneur.

This can be a method that can help you become an authority on the subject. You could create newspaper articles and magazine pieces and distribute news announcements about significant occasions. You could also engage a marketing company to assist with this.

The cost of a PR campaign can be wildly different. If you decide to go for it yourself, all you need is tears and sweat and the time to make your product more appealing as it currently is. If you contract it out, the cost will depend on how long your campaign will take, the kind of content created, and the company’s scale you select. According to public relations expert Todd Brabender, companies that are lean in technology should look for an agency comparable in size to reduce costs.

Use email marketing to strengthen connections to nurture prospects!

Email is one method of marketing for tech firms. Use email to:

  • Thank them for subscribing to your newsletter;
  • For inviting them to see another piece of content based on the content they downloaded the first time;
  • Invite them to attend a webinar or any other type of event;
  • Find out how things are going;
  • and tons more

It’s essential to segment your email list and customize emails so that they can reach the specific segment of customers you want to achieve.

LinkedIn: corporate, personal, or both?

The most effective marketing strategy for technological companies includes the usage of LinkedIn. Ninety-four percent of business-to-business marketers interviewed by the Content Marketing Institute prefer LinkedIn as their preferred social network. There’s a good reason for that:

  • There’s a large concentration of tech professionals who are on it;
  • 50 percent of purchasers of B2B-related products and services utilize LinkedIn in making an investment decision;
  • 76% of people rely on suggestions regarding their decision-making from their LinkedIn network;
  • On LinkedIn, you can be a part of LinkedIn groups, publish articles, and even answer questions and all to raise awareness of your business and develop its reputation as a thought-leader

Organic social media: Twitter and Facebook!

Man with mobileIt is estimated that around 60 million companies have pages on Facebook. However, around eight-seven percent of the posts to these pages do not get addressed. This provides you with an opening. Give advice; answer questions. Provide value.

Twitter has over 328 million followers but not all of which you’ll want to reach. Therefore, make your list of your target followers. Sort them into lists based on specific keywords or interests, then go through some of the tweets’ queries and respond. Utilize videos or direct messages and images to make your tweets impression. It’s fine to tweet about your latest item, but you shouldn’t do it solely. The goal is to establish connections, build credibility, and establish yourself as a thought leader.

Social media is a great place to provide customer service to create and maintain relationships with loyal customers and potential customers. It likewise could bring new customers to your site. “As people see your outstanding customer service on the internet, they’ll be more likely to purchase your product themselves,” said Patel and Taylor.

Pay-per-click: social media Facebook

Man with laptop and mobileFacebook ads effectively increase your list of subscribers, send users to a landing page, generate interest in your business, etc. Its most common conversion rate for ads placed on this platform for all sectors is 9.21 percent; however, this drops to 2.3 percent for technology-related companies. In addition, it is still higher than 40 percent of marketers with conversion landing pages with less than 1.4 percent.

Facebook offers the advertising best practices section specifically for medium and small enterprises, where members discuss ideas and offer suggestions.

Pay-per-click: Google Ads

Retargeting describes advertisements on other websites visited by someone who has already seen your site. You can achieve this via Google’s Google Display Network. The Google Display Network is one of the most potent advertising tools you can utilize and is used by 90% of all Internet users. This implies that they’ve demonstrated an interest in your services, and this means that now advertising on your website can be pre-qualified.

Keep in mind that it would be best if you had a plan. Who specifically do you want to decide to target? There are a variety of options that include targeting people who have visited:

  • Your home pages;
  • A single page but no other;
  • Based on keywords;
  • Two particular pages.


It’s not easy to create an effective marketing plan with only a few thousand dollars each month, and however, it’s not impossible.

All it takes is your objectives. Select a feasible one. Determine which of the strategies listed above can help you achieve the goal. Then, please take action to implement it.


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