Businesses have gone beyond the need to just create an online presence and have advanced to new levels. It has become paramount for businesses to ensure that users have the best experience while on their sites.

For this to happen, businesses are now going a step further and having user behavior analysis done on their sites.

Introduction to User Experience and Behavior

User Experience (UX), in simple terms, is the general feeling that a user gets when they interact with a particular website. UX underlines User Behavior. It means that the UX, in the long term, will determine user behavior.

What entails the best user experience, you may ask? Luckily, behavioral science offers nuggets of wisdom on this subject matter. There is a proven combination that, when used, promises to provide a working solution. To achieve the best user experience, one should purpose to do two things consecutively.

User Experience (UX), is the feeling a user gets when they interact with a particular website.

The first one is keeping the user design as simple as possible to ensure that the user experiences as little friction as possible while interacting with the website. The second aspect is integrating newness or a hint of excitement for users every time they interact with the website such that every time is different.

These two principles explain basic human nature. Firstly, humans prefer a pattern that they can adapt to quickly. The second one is as simple as no one likes to be bored even with a routine. A little excitement goes a long way in keeping someone’s attention and keeping them on their toes coming back for more.

Tracking User Behavior

The primary purpose of tracking user behavior is to understand when users interact with a website and why.

I mentioned earlier that businesses have leveled up and are analyzing User Behavior on their sites. However, you may have a question with regards to this. Is tracking User Behavior a simple thing to do, and what does it entail?

The traditional means that most websites use for tracking is Google Analytics. What does Google Analytics do? Google Analytics is a faithful servant that continuously records all activities that occur on your page. Thereafter you as a business can see the traffic on your page based on the data collected.

Most websites use Google Analytics for tracking.

Unfortunately, Google Analytics lets you have quantitative data on the activities happening on your page, like say, for example, the conversion rates or the best performing landing pages of your website.

However, it does not answer the most important questions. Why are the users behaving in this particular way? These are the questions that a business needs answers to be able to make improvements.

Therefore, Google Analytics can be classified as a traditional means of visitor behavior analysis. A business needs to do much more to be able to fully understand its Users. Now to answer my question, is it simple?

Yes, it is. However, it most definitely needs a business to install a plugin (software that can be added to a site) to its website. This plugin is specially made for this particular task and will be able to answer the essential questions that a business owner would have.

HumCommerce Plugin for WordPress

HumCommerce is a WordPress analytics, heatmaps and session recordings plugin.

HumCommerce behavior analytics plugin for WordPress answers all those questions that give business owners sleepless nights. Why is my conversion rate like this? Why are users bouncing off my landing page instead of exploring further?

HumCommerce provides real insights into these problems. In addition to that, it promises solutions to improve website conversion rates.

Let’s explore its features and have a deeper understanding of HumCommerce solutions and how a business can reap maximum benefits from its use.

Visitor Session Recordings

As a business, you want to be 100% sure that the investments you’re making to a website address a real problem and not a hypothesis made up in your head. This key feature enables a business to do just that.

Visitor Session recordings allow a business to all the movements made by Users who visited their sites.

Visitor Session recordings allow a business to all the movements made by Users who visited their sites. These recordings will enable a business to discover which parts of their website are not user friendly and thereby take corrective measures. It’s kind of like your website’s CCTV camera.

I already mentioned that Visitor Session Recordings is a feature on HumCommerce, but get this, it also has features. Hum Commerce is just the gift that keeps on giving.

  1. It’s easy to set up. You won’t need any tech gurus to get this up and running.
  2. It’s on autoplay. You just have to click start, and the videos will play back to back, imagine the convenience.
  3. It enables you to fast forward. You get a quick overview and can get to the fun parts without having to wait.
  4. Access to visitor logs on the same recording panel. Again, convenience.
  5. Filtering capabilities. If you need to focus on a specific day or time, it lets you do just that.
  6. It allows you to skip inactivity. Get to the fun parts quick

With all these features, it is easier to analyze the visitor’s activities on your website and hereby discover the pain point areas for your Users. These insights inevitably allow you to make the correct improvements for your website that naturally lead to better conversion rates.


This feature lets you know where visitors usually go when they come to your website.

Heatmaps lets you know where visitors usually go when they come to your website.

It allows you to map out how far users scroll on your website. What this piece of information offers is redesigning ideas for the business website. The owner can determine how he needs to piece his website to convince users to accomplish what he needs them to do.

Conversion Funnels

The conversion funnel can be described as the steps that a user is designed to take to be converted to a customer. It is like an inbuilt goal setting guide for you.

The conversion funnel is a teps that a user is designed to take to be converted to a customer.

Furthermore, it allows you to track your goals and see the conversion rate per user journey. It gives you an in-depth look at the Users profile and detects where it is, and they deviated from your set goal.

With all this information available to you, it becomes easier to understand your Users’ journey and thereby optimize your site for maximum conversion.

Form Analytics

Any website worth its salt uses forms to get direct feedback from its Users. It could sign up forms, or perhaps even feedback surveys. What Form Analytics does, is that it allows you to monitor the relationship that your visitors have with the forms on your site.

The kind of feedback that you acquire through the use of Form Analytics is invaluable. You could get to know if different forms attract different types of traffic depending on the time of day. You could figure out if there are things that your Users find challenging and don’t quite understand.

This feedback, when implemented through corrective measures, could lead to a boost in the conversion rate, which is the ultimate goal.

Cart Abandonment

The word Cart Abandonment is a pretty self-explanatory word. It’s probably what most store/shop owners dread the most. The user gets to the check-out, sees the teller then changes their mind about making the purchase.

HumCommerce Behavior Analytics Plugin - Cart Abandonment is what most store/shop owners dread the most.

The HumCommerce behavior analytics plugin allows you to sort of investigating and find out the reasons why your visitors decide to drop out at this stage. It gives you a marking scheme to persuade them to stick to the initial plan and make the purchase as had been intended.


With surveys, you can ask your website visitors why aren’t they purchasing? Get instant feedback to know what visitors feel about your website.

HumCommerce Behavior Analytics Plugin - With surveys, you can ask your website visitors why aren’t they purchasing?

Use HumCommerce surveys to get a peek into the customer’s mind to know about things like – did they like the check-out process, do they suggest any new feature, etc.

HumCommerce Perfect Fit

All the features that have been listed and explained showcase that HumCommerce behavior analytics plugin is a product that had been developed after researching on the pain points that business owners with websites were experiencing.

HumCommerce incorporates behavioral science into its recommended solutions. This goes to say that all the features that it has blended in perfect harmony with human behavior.

Therefore, it reinforces the fact that it is the best plugin that any site could ever choose to invest in to analyze User Behavior.


The world is getting smaller by the day, and geographical barriers are no longer an excuse for any business. The Businesses that invest in their websites have a better chance of survival than those that rely only on the brick and mortar model.

A further extension of the survival rate will be for those businesses that choose to analyze user behavior and take corrective measures as advised.

HumCommerce behavior analytics plugin offers relief for those already on board this train. It has been built incorporating suggestions that alleviate the pain points that affect most websites.

There’s a good reason a lot of SEO and CRO specialists have embraced the HumCommerce behavior analytics plugin to help them reap maximum benefits from their websites. You should too.

Author Bio

Akshay Erande is a Digital Marketer

Akshay Erande is a Digital Marketer, and he takes care of growth strategies, content creation, and outreach. When not at work you can find him in adventurous places.


Editorial Staff at WP Pluginsify is a team of WordPress experts led by Peter Nilsson.

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