Nowadays, pretty much anything can be sold online. With access to online store builders, almost anyone can launch their own website easily. There are countless e-commerce stores emerging onto the market who offer niche products and services of all shapes and sizes.

Some startups are doing a pretty great job of getting noticed online through creative marketing campaigns and clever giveaways. Let’s take a look at the some of the most innovative Ecommerce startups to see what tips you could take away for your own store.

#1 – Harry’s

5 Innovative Ecommerce Startups That Could Transform Your Business
Image credit: Harry’s

Why: Harry’s Ecommerce store is making quite a statement with its professional and sleek website. Its innovative branding appeals to our basic needs, offering products most men can’t live without. Harry’s keeps customers hooked for life with its long-term email campaign that sends reminders to people when they are about to run out of razor blades. Harry’s is a clever and fast-thinking innovative Ecommerce brand that makes the most of its marketing opportunities.

Take-away: Harry’s plays to its customers’ human side which gets them noticed. Think of ways to create this personal connection with your customers, either through your branding, marketing or social media campaigns, to spark engagement and create a lifelong popular brand. Keep your brand at the forefront of people’s minds at all times.

#2 – Hard Graft

5 Innovative Ecommerce Startups That Could Transform Your Business
Image credit: Hard Graft

Why: Hard Graft focuses on a very niche product base for its customers, giving it a competitive edge. The store primarily focuses on premium material goods to sell to its customers. Hard Graft has a beautifully designed website that is simple, yet easy to navigate. This adds a touch of exclusivity to its luxury goods.

Takeaways: The reason Hard Graft works so well is its niche product selection. It specializes in selling simple, yet premium products like leather bags, satchels, elegant trainers, and accessories. Work this into your brand by honing down the products you sell on your online store.

#3 – Man Crates

5 Innovative Ecommerce Startups That Could Transform Your Business
Image credit: Man Crates

Why: Talking about niches, this company is doing it right. With their humorous take on the perfect gifts for men all around the world, they have built up a good name for themselves. Honing in on a specific niche like this will yield better results as you won’t be competing in a saturated market of lookalike brands. They have even made some great video content that reflects their brand and voice:

Takeaways: What Man Crates does well is honed down its product niche even further than Hard Graft. By selling endearing products that appeal to its audience, Man Crates brings an air of delight to its customers. Incorporate niche ideas and products into your brand for amazing results.

#4 – Westwing

5 Innovative Ecommerce Startups That Could Transform Your Business
Image credit: Westwing

Why: Perhaps the fastest growing company in this list, Westwing is a home and decor Ecommerce store operating in 14 different markets. Since the company began in 2011, it has grown exponentially through large investments and launching in different markets. Without a doubt, its rapid growth is impressive and makes it one of the most innovative Ecommerce stores in home and decor.

Take-aways: Westwing has done so well because it focused on scaling from day one — and you can do the same. Always be one step ahead of the game and plan your next growth tactic to strategically grow your ecommerce store. Maybe you can branch out and sell another product, or save profit to reinvest back into your store? However, you plan to scale, make sure it’s always a core focus.

#5 – Jack Rudy Cocktail Co.

5 Innovative Ecommerce Startups That Could Transform Your Business
Image credit: Jack Rudy Cocktails Co.

Why: This innovative Ecommerce startup is doing a lot of things right. For starters, their branding is simple and appealing, making their products look premium. And their products are pretty awesome too, with a quirky old-world feel. Their website is simple and professional and is powered by WooCommerce — putting products and branding front and center.

Take-aways: Jack Rudy Cocktail Co. sell premium products with a timeless edge to attract all kinds of different customers. Incorporate this into your Ecommerce startup through branding, to create something timeless that people will want to buy.

Innovation paves the way to success, especially when you’re a startup. Be creative to compete with the big players and get yourself noticed. Spend as much time as possible on your marketing, branding, and value propositions — and less time on web development and logistics! With all that the modern digital world can offer, you should be able to scale and move fast. For Ecommerce innovators, there are lots of useful WP plugins on the market, as well as the Shopify buy button integration for WordPress.


Patrick Foster: Ecommerce Entrepreneur & Marketer. I’m an e-commerce entrepreneur, coach, and writer; sharing marketing and e-commerce tips and trends on my blog EcommerceTips. I love to give advice to entrepreneurs and startups to help develop their brand.

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