Online training helps prove your prospects and expertise as well as deliver profits. Since the global e-learning market is growing rapidly, there is no reason not to make money from this potential niche. Another advantage is that you can sell your site when you need money for 20-30 times its monthly profit. Most trainers…
Barn2 Plugins is a WordPress company that builds innovative WordPress and WooCommerce plugins. The company is a family-run business by Katie and Andy Keith. Barn2 Plugins (formerly Barn2 Media) based in South Devon, England, are the UK’s longest established WordPress company. Already in 2009, they started their business. Since then, they have grown…
We regularly face the arduous task of making tough decisions at a certain point in our lives, and one of those decisions entails either to work remotely from home or to work in an office space. This choice is not one to hastily decide, and a lot of important details have to put…
Black Friday and Cyber Monday are (almost here) ready to kick into full swing with bargain-basement prices. We have searched high and low to compile the most extensive list of Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals, (300+ deals. We have listed the best WordPress related deals available under the super shopping weekend. Whether…
From blogging without an SEO plugin installed on my WordPress site — to picking the personal favorite SEO plugin for my blog, I have tested almost all the SEO plugins available for WordPress. From the start, it was difficult to understand how the optimization works. I believe nearly all bloggers, webmasters had experienced…