The task of top management is to determine and obtain resources for the quality improvement strategy, quality management, surveying the satisfaction and experience of patients and staff, and in general, for the achievement of organizational goals. This is how quality management appeared, which explains the importance of delivering products and services.

As a result, many tools have been developed that enable more accessible, better, and more successful quality management. In the simplest terms, the focus is not on product delivery but on customer satisfaction. When companies realized their primary goal was a satisfied customer, they improved their customer support services. Quality management has improved both of these segments to keep everyone happy.

We have compiled a list of the six best quality management tools. Let’s take a look.

Control Chart

Control charts are suitable for evaluating the stability of a process. They serve to study the variation of the average, range, and standard deviation for a controlled sample. Each control chart is graphically represented as a diagram. Only you can see when corrective measures are needed and whether there has been an improvement in some observed time interval.

The production of control charts is based on statistics and is used either for the diagnosis of process stability, for process control, or confirmation. The process takes place in the required conditions. Control charts are good to use for the early detection of errors.

Pareto Chart

A Pareto chart is a chart in which the analyzed data is a bar chart from top to bottom according to its priority. It is also called a closed curve or A-B-C distribution. What enables us is to know the order of importance of the variables included in the research. Pareto analysis helps us determine what to focus on and what is worth spending energy and time on. In other words, we get the maximum return from the targeted minimum investment.

The key word here is targeted because if that requirement is not met, there will be no maximum return either. What we invest in doesn’t matter because the return depends solely on that – unless we invest in everything.


Man with tablet

Let us define this term if you haven’t heard of a histogram before. Namely, a histogram is a graph frequently and widely used in statistics. These charts visually interpret numerical data by indicating the number of data points within a range of values. This range of values is called a class or container. The frequency of data falling into each class is shown using a bar. The higher the level width, the higher the frequency of data in that bin.

Scatter Diagram

A scatter plot is a function of one variable against another. One variable is called the independent variable. This is usually shown on the horizontal axis (bottom). The second variable is called the dependent variable. This is shown on the vertical (side) axis. Scatter plots are used to assess cause-and-effect relationships. The assumption is that the independent variable causes the dependent variable to change. It is crucial to pay special attention to the analysis of the scatter diagram.


The quality of delivery can be affected by many different factors. If we divide these factors into separate groups, we use stratification. We share all the data we have. Thus, we will get different patterns of factors that influence the quality of product delivery. Stratification is otherwise widely applicable when it comes to data analysis. This is considered to be one of the best tools for quality assurance.

Ishikawa Diagram – Fishbone Diagram

A fishbone is a tool that helps us identify, classify and present the possible causes of a problem. It graphically shows the relationship between a consequence and the factors that influence it that lead to it. It is precisely because of this graphic representation that it is called the fishbone, and you will meet it under the name Ishikawa (supposedly invented by Kaoru Ishikawa, a Japanese quality expert) or, quite officially – a Diagram of the pattern and consequences.

Final Words

Constant improvement of all processes is a mirror of quality management. In addition, there is additional regular monitoring, looking for defects, etc. We have listed some of the best and essential tools for quality management. However, if you want to be an expert in this field – you must have a certificate. It is evident why.

The examination process itself is not simple, especially the analysis process. You don’t want to miss something or not pay enough attention to a problem. However, in addition to being an expert, you can always do the additional analysis yourself.


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