When you are opening up your email campaign and social networking campaign for your company, having click-through options to your WordPress website can be a beneficial way to get people interested in your company and your products.

However, learning how to adequately generate better click-through rates is not always easy. Luckily, we have just a few tips that can help you better generate your click-through rates and get more people clicking on your website to check out your company and products that you have to offer consumers. Here is what you need to know.

Be Consistent

Part of having a good click-through rate is having people click on your links every time. However, if you are inconsistent with your brand, your products, and your social media posts. People are going to bypass your company more often than not. If you do send out emails, inconsistency will even prompt people to unsubscribe to the mailing list, which hurts your company. With that being said, the first thing you need to do is establish your brand and stick with it.

Changing the brand constantly is going to cause an inconsistency that consumer just does not like. When you are more consistent with your content and posts. Your consumers are going to click on the links, giving you a higher click-through rate to your WordPress website.

Be Focused

Be Focused

Just like having good consistency, you need to be focused on the layout of your online brand. Your website and emails should have a simple layout that reflects your company’s style and brand. Presenting your information in a more focused layout is also easier for consumers to read and find things.

Getting a better layout is going to keep them coming back for more, especially after you update your social media accounts with new products. Your emails, website, and even social media pages should be organized, clean, and focused to keep consumers from getting confused and annoyed with unorganized content.

Be Aware

Business and company owners should be aware of everything that happens on their social channels, but there is one thing they need to be aware of when designing emails and websites for consumers. The standard viewpoints should always be considered. Most people in modern times are going to be using their mobile devices to look through your website and emails.

In this case, you need to take the mobile view into consideration when designing a website. Fewer consumers still used desktops and webmail to view things, which should also be considered. Figuring out your target market is going to determine which few will most likely be used by consumers.

However, all views should be in the awareness of the company when creating content for better click-through rates. A consumer is not going to keep clicking if they click on content that cannot be read on their chosen device.

Be Clean

Generate Click-Through Rate via Your Social Channels - Images are an important part of online brands.

Images are an important part of online brands and companies nowadays. In this case, you need to be clean with your photographs meaning that they are not blurred, pixeled, or cropped wrong. Create photos that look detailed professional, but that also fit the brand’s chosen style.

These images should be small enough to fit within the website and the emails that are sent to consumers. If a consumer clicks on a link that pulls up a photo they can’t see. They are less likely to come back to the website again. Remember that good photographs are a key to gaining a bigger following with consumers.

Be Social

Consumers in this day and age love to share things. Social media has made this a huge part of their following. Everyone loves sharing posts, photos, and videos on their respective social channels. In this case, gaining a better click-through rate can be done by offering a social sharing option on the email and website for your company. Without this sharing option, your company can still succeed, but you might be missing out on potential clicks and consumers that do not see your content.

With the social sharing buttons, however, consumers that love your company, brand, and products, can easily share them with other people on their friend’s lists. Which not only gets your name out there on social media. But it also helps gain your new followers and potential consumers for the future.


Owning a business and company is not always an easy task. Especially when it comes to sharing your company digitally through online means. Social media has made it a bit easier to share products, services, and more. But when trying to gain a following through links to the products. There are several things you can do to help boost those click-through rates.

Just by being organized, clean, and social, you can help your company gain more followers and consumers, and your business can be shared throughout social media. There are many things you can do to improve your click-through rates. But just taking a little time to consider your target market and the organization of your content can be a huge benefit both to your rates and your business as a whole.


In addition to being the editor at designrfix and writing about tech, web and graphic design among other subjects, I love “unplug” and be outdoors hiking and enjoying nature. If you can’t reach me, it’s probably because where I am at doesn’t have cell phone reception.

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